Job Interview में पूछे जाने वाले 10 प्रश्न और उनके उत्तर
Question 1: Tell me about Yourself? / Walk me through you CV?/ Introduce yourself/ अपने बारे में हमें बताएं ?
Anser- I think यह एक ऐसा प्रश्न है जो शायद ही किसी Interview में नहीं पूछा जाता हो , और यह एक ऐसा प्रश्न भी है जिसे answer करने में बड़ी confusion रहती है कि क्या बोलें क्या ना बोलें . आमतौर पर यह interview का पहला प्रश्न होता है , इसलिए इस प्रश्न को हम थोड़ा detail में discuss करेंगे.
प्रश्न पूछने के पीछे का मकसद :
ताकि interview देने वाला थोडा comfortable हो जाए .इस प्रश्न पर कोई blank नहीं हो सकता , सभी के पास अपने बारे में बताने के लिए कुछ ना कुछ होता है , और जब आप शुरू में कुछ बोल लेते हैं तो कुछ हद तक आपकी हिचक कम हो जाती है .आपके बारे में जानना. कई बार interviewer पूरी CV नहीं पढता , वो आपके उत्तर से ही आपके बारे में जान लेता है , और उस basis पर और कई प्रश्न पूछ सकता है .
इस प्रश्न के उत्तर में क्या बताएं ?
मैं आपको यहाँ वही बताऊंगा जो मैं करता हूँ , हो सकता है कि कोई और आपको इससे भी अच्छा तरीका बता पाए इसलिए इसे पत्थर की लकीर मान कर मत चलिए . पर जैसा कि मैं पहले बता चुका हूँ , interview में मेरा success rate 90% रहा है , तो संभवतः यह एक सही तरीका है .
इस प्रश्न का उत्तर देते वक़्त आपके पास एक मौका होता है कि आप employer को अपनी तरफ attract कर सकें ,उसे अपनी skills sell कर सकें ; इसलिए इसके उत्तर में आपको अपने major achievements और qualities सामने लानी चाहियें .
Answer की शुरआत अपने नाम से करें , हो सकता है कि Interviewer आपको पहले से ही आपके नाम से पुकार रहे हों , in that case आप कह सकते हैं कि ,As you know I am Amit Kumar ……” और फिर आगे continue कर सकते हैं . और अगर वो आपका नाम नहीं जानते हैं तो आप simply कह सकते हैं , “ Hello Sir, I am Amit Kumar…..and so on”
अपने बारे में chronological order में बताएँ , यानी जैसे – जैसे आपकी life आगे बढ़ी हो उस हिसाब से , actually human brain कुछ ऐसा designed होता है कि वो इस order को ठीक से समझ पाता है . यदि आप कभी past, कभी present में switch करते रहेंगे तो confusion हो सकता है . और इस answer में ऐसी ही चीजें include करें जिसमे employer interested हो .
आप ये भी ध्यान रखें कि आप यह answer कुछ इस तरह से दे सकते हैं कि सामने वाला आपका मन चाहा question पूछे . जैसे कि यदि आप चाहते हैं कि Interviewer आपसे आपको हाल में मिले reward के बारे में बात करे , तो आप कह सकते हैं … “………….. and recently I was rewarded by the organization for my outstanding performance….”
यहाँ मैं आपके साथ दो sample answers share कर रहा हूँ , जिससे आप अंदाज़ा लगा पायेंगे कि कैसे answer देना है :
Supposing Amit एक fresher है :
“Sir, I am Amit Kumar, I belong to Lucknow, and I have studied there till class 12th, I have been a science side student and have consistently scored good marks. I have always been ahead in taking initiatives and have actively participated in Debates, Sports, and other competitions. I have even represented my school on several occasions. Sir, after my schooling I wanted to do Engineering, and therefore I took a break of one year and prepared for various entrance exams. I was fortunate to get selected for JSS Noida, from where I completed my BTech in Computer Science During my studies ; I developed a special liking for the Dot Net and RDBMS and I really feel excited about an opportunity to use my knowledge and skills in the real world and make a meaningful contribution in the growth of my organization. So, this was in brief about me, and I would be glad to answer anything specific you want to know.”
इस answer को सुनने के बाद ज्यादा chance है कि Amit से Interview के दौरान Dot Net और RDBMS के बारे में पूछा जाए .और ये भी कि उसने computer science क्यों choose किया ?
Supposing Amit is having 3 year work ex.
Sir, I am Amit Kumar, I belong to Lucknow, where I did my schooling. For my graduation I went to New Delhi and did B.Com from Shri Guru Gobind Singh College. By the time I completed my graduation I was clear to pursue a career in the corporate world and hence I decided to do MBA from a reputed college. And I fortunately got an opportunity to study at IILM, which is amongst the top management institutes in the NCR. The two years invested here added a lot of value in me. Apart from learning the management skills I improved my organizing and networking skills. Then during the campus placements I got a break in Nerolac Paints, where I joined as a Management Trainee. Currently, I am working in the same company at the position of Territory Sales Manager; I have been handling the the NCR Region, and have been an outstanding performer. Sir my total work experience now stands at 3 + years, and I feel very confident about my skills and aptitude to excel in the corporate world. I am sure that if given an opportunity I will be able to deliver and contribute in the growth of the organization. So, this was in brief about me, and I would be glad to answer anything specific you want to know.”
Question 2: What are your strengths ? / आपकी strengths क्या है ?
Answer- अपनी strengths बताने में आप इनमे से कुछ बोल सकते हैं :
I am a team player and can adapt to changing conditions with ease.I am good at organising events and taking initiatives.I am very good at building networks and executing the plans set by the management.
आप चाहे जो भी अपनी strengths बताएं पर उसे support करने के लिए आपके पास real life examples होने चाहियें , जो आप answer में add कर सकें .
For ex: I am very good at building networks and executing the plans set by the management. In fact in my current job I developed a chain of distributors in East Delhi for our new product and my work was very much recognized by the management.
Question 3: Why do you want to leave your current job?
Answer- आप अपनी मौजूदा नौकरी क्यों छोड़ना चाहते हैं इस प्रश्न के उत्तर में आप अपनी मौजूदा company की बुराई कत्तई ना करें . आप कुछ इस तरह से answer दे सकते हैं :
Sir, I have been with this company for over three years and have learnt a lot of things. But since last few months my learning and growth in the organization has stagnated, and I strongly feel that I would have a better learning and growth opportunity in a company like yours. That’s why I want to switch.
Sir, I have been with this company for over three years and have learnt a lot of things. But off-late I have felt that my current compensation is not in-line with the kind of hard work and efforts I put for the organization, therefore I am looking forward to work for a company which has better growth opportunities along with better compensation.
Question 4: Tell us about your current job, what is your role?/ अपनी मौजूदा नौकरी के बारे में बताएं , आपका काम क्या है ?
Answer- इसमें आप जो करते हैं उसे थोडा detail और enthusiasm के साथ बताइए .
आप कुछ इस तरह से answer दे सकते हैं :
Sir, I am handling the Sales in the NCR region, and I am responsible for achieving the sales targets set by the company. At present I handle a team of 5 Area Sales Managers, who operate in different parts of the NCR. It is my responsibility to motivate and direct the team, allocate targets, and ensure that we meet those targets. On an average I spend one day in each region and also make frequent field visits. I am often involved in group meetings to launch new contests for our distributors. Having worked closely with the distributors I also participate actively in designing the contests and planning other promotional activities to boost sales. In fact some of my strategies have been so successful that they were replicated throughout the North Zone.
इतना कहने के बाद आप रुक सकते हैं , and you can expect कि आपसे उन strategies के बारे में पूछा जा सकता है।
Question 5: Why do you want to join this company? / आप ये company क्यों join करना चाहते हैं ?
Answer- इस question का answer आपको 3rd question के answer के आखिरी पार्ट में मिल जायेगा . उसके आलावा आप थोडा –बहुत और add कर सकते हैं :
Sir, xyz company is a very big brand globally, and it would be a matter of pride to be associated with such a company. The various Awards, like the Best Employer Award, etc are testimony to the great work culture of the company. Along with that there is a lot of scope to hone one’s skills and have a plenty of growth opportunities in your organization. Who would not like to be its part?
Question 6: Why should we select you? /हम आपका चयन क्यों करें ?
Answer- यह प्रश्न और दूसरा प्रश्न लगभग एक ही है , यहाँ भी आपको अपनी strengths बतानी होती है , plus आपको अपने experience को भी sell करना होता है .
Question 7: Why your marks are very low in xyz exam? Xyz exam में आपके marks इतने कम क्यों हैं ?
Answer- यदि आपके marks किसी एक exam में कम हैं तो संभवतः आपके पास कोई ख़ास वजह होगी , जैसे कि बीमार पड़ जाना , accident हो जाना , etc?
पर यदि आप consistently low marks पाते रहे हैं , तो आप कुछ इस तरह से answer कर सकते हैं :
Sir, I have always been involved in various extra-curricular activities. I have represented my school in a number of sporting events and other competitions.Because of this I could concentrate less on my studies. But you may notice that my marks have improved during my MBA where I became more inclined towards knowledge accumulation and sharpening my skills.
Question 8: What has been your biggest achievement till date? / अब तक की आपकी सबसे बड़ी achievement क्या रही है ?
Answer- इस question के answer में आप कोई ऐसा achievement बताएं जिसे Interviewer offer की जाने वाली Job से relate कर सके .
For Fresher: Supposing आप Marketing and Sales की job के लिए interview दे रहे हों :
Sir, last year we had a very successful Marketing Summit at the India Habitat Centre, I was leading the organizing committee and I think I did a pretty good job of coordinating with the whole team and making sure that there are no hiccups. I must tell you that it was not an easy job, starting from booking the venue, arranging for the speakers, promoting the event, and many other such nitty-gritties…it was very hectic but at the end I managed it all, obviously with the help from my team and other staff.
For experienced: Supposing आप Marketing and Sales की job के लिए interview दे रहे हों :
Sir, I joined my present organization a couple of years ago, at the end of my first year I was given the job of achieving Sales Target of over Rs. 30 lacs in a quarter; it was indeed a challenging task, because my region’s best achievement till date was Rs. 20 lacs . However, I put in a lot of hard work and applied some innovative strategies like contacting the Institutions, and putting the kiosks in maals and apartments, I also managed to use the advertising budget efficiently and increased the visibility of our brand. So the cumulative effect resulted in achieving the targets and in fact we did Rs 32.5 lacs of sales in that quarter. This also helped me in getting an outstanding rating during appraisals.
Question 9: What are your weaknesses? आपकी कमजोरी क्या है ?
Answer- इस प्रश्न के उत्तर में कभी भी ये मत कहिये कि आपकी कोई कमजोरी नहीं है और ना ही ऐसी कोई कमजोरी बताइये जो interviewer को ये सोचने पर मजबूर कर दे कि आप अपनी job ठीक से नहीं कर पायेंगे . ये भी ध्यान रखिये कि आप जो भी weakness बताएं उसके साथ ये भी बताइए की आप उसे पार पाने के लिए क्या कर रहे हैं.
कई बार लोग अपनी कमजोरी को ऐसे बताते हैं जो actually strength हो , ऐसा मत करिए , इससे interviewer irritate हो सकता है .
आप कुछ इस तरह से answer दे सकते हैं :
Sir, I feel that I need to work on time management and learn to prioritize my work efficiently. In fact I have started working on the To-Do Listtool and have improved somewhat, hopefully I will overcome this weakness soon.
Question 10: Do you want to ask any question? / क्या आप कोई प्रश्न पूछना चाहते हैं?
Answer- Interview के अंत में ये पूछा जा सकता है .इस प्रश्न के उत्तर में आप इस तरह का कोई question पूछ सकते हैं :
What will be my roles and responsibilities in case I get an opportunity to work with the company?Does the company have an in-house training department or is it outsourced?What are the growth prospects for an individual joining at the current position?
ध्यान रहे आप कुछ ऐसा ना पूछें जिसे बताना interviewer के लिए tough हो , जैसे कि company के exact revenue figures, CAGR, etc.
बहुत ही अच्छा व् प्रेरणास्पद लेख लिखा है आपने जो इंटरव्यू में बहुत मददगार सिद्ध होगा बस जरुरत है तो सिर्फ ध्यान से कुछ तैयारी करने की जो निह्संदेह हमारे सिलेक्शन में काम आयेगी इसी प्रकार का एक लेख मैंने इस स्थान पर भी पढ़ा है जो बहुत प्रेरक है Interview में सफल होने के लिये ध्यान रखिये यह 5 बातें